Flies Control

Fly Control: APCS uses a combination of spray and bait treatments and fly traps. Indoor residual sprays are effective in fly control and outdoor spraying regularly in breeding areas around garbage and drainage are required to successfully keep pest menace to a minimum.

Fly baits that contain pheromones, attract flies and are used to control flies around trash containers, dumpsters. Fly Traps that use UV light to attract flying insects from hundreds of yards are safe, capture the entire flight, and are an easily maintainable gadget to be used indoors.


Spraying on breeding areas like garbage area, drains are essential for fly control

Spray Treatment on Garbage

Flies such as fruit flies, drain flies and constantly-present home flies can convey various infections which cause major health risks and serious impacts on your business consumers and your income. An ongoing challenge in several industries

A minor fly problem if uncontrolled might escalate in a couple of weeks to a serious infestation. With certain fly species in just seven days to develop, it is important for companies to take a proactive approach to fly management.

One common treatment uses a spray treatment. Spritz in doorways and around windowsills and the sharp odor will keep the flies away. Pepper spray is non-toxic, but the smell may be unpleasant to some people

Fly sheets, every place has different treatments, we come to your area and assess the situation and get you the best suitable treatment for your situation.