Birds Control

Pest birds such as sparrows and pigeons carry a wide range of bacteria including salmonella and ornithosis. The nesting material, feathers, droppings, vomit, SPI, and mites, which are all found on birds, cause contamination and are hence potentially harmful.

APCS uses a combination of techniques that are humane yet effective to control bird menace. Birds will fight hard to reclaim an area where they have nested in the past. The only guaranteed way to keep them from coming back is to physically exclude them with netting, trapping, harassment, and regular nest removal.

Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are a 100-percent effective, maintenance-free and permanent solution to pest bird infestation. Install bird control spikes on common bird landing surfaces, such as rooftop edges, ledges, window sills, chimneys, or anywhere pest bird roosting and nesting occur.

Bird Netting

Bird Netting comes long way in the business for many years. has become one of the best choices for bird netting among gardeners and homeowners.